سلام دوستان عزیز که همیشه همراه وبلاگ بودید
این مطلب را جالب دیدم و اینجا برای شما هم می گذارم، امیدوارم مفید باشد.
People often say that money talks. They mean that a person with a lot of money can say how he or she wants things done. But it is not easy to earn enough money to gain this kind of power.
Ask anyone in a business. They will tell you that it is a jungle out there. The expression probably began because the jungle is filled with wild animals and unknown dangers that threaten people. Sometimes people in business feel competing businesses are as dangerous as wild animals. And they feel that unknown dangers in the business world threaten the survival of their business.
People in business have to be careful if they are to survive the jungle out there. They must not be led into making bogus investments. Bogus means something that is not real.
Nobody is sure how the word got started. But it began to appear in American newspapers in the eighteen hundreds. A newspaper in Boston, Massachusetts, said the word came from a criminal whose name was Borghese. The newspaper said Borghese wrote checks to people although he did not have enough money in the bank. After he wrote the checks, he would flee from town. So, people who were paid with his checks received nothing. The newspaper said Americans shortened and changed the criminal's name Borghese, to bogus.
People trying to earn money also must be aware of being ripped off. A person who is ripped off has had something stolen, or at least has been treated very unfairly.
A writer for the magazine "American Speech" said he first saw the expression used in nineteen seventy-one. It was on a sign that a student carried during a protest demonstration at a university. The message on the sign was that the student felt ripped off, or cheated.
Perhaps the best way to prevent getting ripped off in business is to not try to get rich quickly. To be successful, a person in business works hard and tries to get down to brass tacks.
This expression means to get to the bottom or most important part of something. For example, a salesman may talk and talk about his product without saying the price. You get down to brass tacks when you say, "it sounds good, but how much does it cost."
Word expert Charles Funk thinks the expression comes from sailors on ships. They clean the bottom of a boat. When they have removed all the dirt, they are down to the brass tacks, the copper pieces that hold the boat together.
So, if we get down to brass tacks, we can prevent ripoffs and bogus ways of earning money in that jungle out there. And, some good luck will help, too.
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منبع: VOA
موفق باشید
سلام دوستان عزیز
بابت تاخیر در آپدیت پوزش می خواهم
این هم یک مطلب جالب که با خواندن آن تعداد زیادی اصطلاح زیبا را یاد خواهید گرفت.
Each week, this program explains the many meanings of English expressions. Today’s expressions include a very important word – “heart.” We will try to get to the heart of the matter to better understand the most important thing about words and their stories. So take heart. Have no fear about learning new expressions. Besides, popular English words can be fun. There is no need for a heavy heart. Such feelings of sadness would only break my heart, or make me feel unhappy and hopeless.
Now, let us suppose you and I were speaking freely about something private. We would be having a heart to heart discussion. I might speak from the bottom of my heart, or say things honestly and truthfully. I might even open up my heart to you and tell a secret. I would speak with all my heart, or with great feeling.
When a person shares her feelings freely and openly like this, you might say she wears her heart on her sleeve, or on her clothing. Her emotions are not protected.
If we had an honest discussion, both of us would know that the other person’s heart is in the right place. For example, I would know that you are a kind-hearted and well-meaning person. And, if you are a very good person, I would even say that you have a heart of gold. However, you might have a change of heart based on what I tell you. Our discussion might cause you to change the way you feel about something.
But, let us suppose you get angry over what I tell you. Or worse, you feel no sympathy or understanding for me or my situation. If this happens, I might think that you have a heart of stone. And, if you say something to make me frightened or worried, my heart might stand still or skip a beat.
Yet, even though you may be angry, I would know that at heart, you are a kind person. In reality, you do care. And any argument between us would not cause me to lose heart or feel a sense of loss.
My heart goes out to anyone who loses a friend over an argument. It really is a sad situation, and I feel sympathy for the people involved.
I promise that what I have told you today is true – cross my heart.
I really wanted to play some music at the end of this feature. In fact, I had my heart set on it. So here it is, a song called “Don’t Go Breaking my Heart” by Elton John.
منبع: VOA
کلیپ صوتی مربوط به این مطلب را هم می توانید با کلیک در اینجا دانلود کنید.
نکته: در صورت دانلود نشدن، این لینک در آی اس پی شما فیلتر شده است.
سلام دوستان عزیز با مطلبی جدید در خدمت شما هستم
امیدوارم از این مطلب جالب خوشتان بیاید
If you are American, it is undoubtedly 1,000,000,000. This amount is known to traditionally minded British people as `a thousand million', and by some more adventurous ones as a 'milliard', though this word has not made as much headway in English as in some other European languages. A trillion is then 1,000,000,000,000, and so on.
If you are British, on the other hand, a billion may be 1,000,000,000,000 (a million million), following the older convention.
If you are neither British nor American, you can take your pick! (Both systems were invented by the French, but are called 'British' and 'American' for convenience.)
Once the business world and the financial press found themselves discussing `thousand millions' so much, the 'American' system simply became more convenient, despite a certain lack of logical tidiness. (A 'British' trillion is the third power of a million, while the 'American' one is the fourth power of a thousand, and the 'American' system continues out of sync with the arithmetic). It also makes the profits sound bigger! The 'American' system is now standard use in British government publications, and is becoming the norm in many other languages.
`American' |
`British' |
1012 |
trillion |
billion |
1015 |
quadrillion |
thousand billion |
1018 |
quintillion |
trillion |
1021 |
sextillion |
thousand trillion |
1024 |
septillion |
quadrillion |
1027 |
octillion |
thousand quadrillion |
1030 |
nonillion |
quintillion |
1033 |
decillion |
thousand quintillion |
In the 'British' system, it would also possible to use 'billiard' for 'thousand billion', 'trilliard' for 'thousand trillion', etc., but this has not so far caught on.
سلام دوستان عزیز
برای این بار یک مطلب خیلی جذاب را انتخاب کرده ام
یک معلم کلاس اول ضرب المثل های خیلی معروف را جمع آوری کرده و به هر دانش آموز نیمه اول هر ضرب المثل را داده و از آنها خواسته که آنرا تکمیل کنند. پاسخ ها بسیار خواندنی هستند.
A first grade teacher collected well known proverbs. She gave each child in her class the first half of a proverb and asked them to come up with the remainder of the proverb.
It’s hard to believe these were actually done by grade one kids (6 year-olds), because the last one is classic!
* Strike while the ………insect is close.
* Never underestimate the power of…………ants.
* Don’t bite the hand that………………..looks dirty.
* Better to be safe than…………….punch a grade 7 boy.
* If you lie down with dogs, you’ll…….stink in the morning.
* It’s always darkest before…………DaylightSaving Time.
* You can lead a horse to water but………..how?
* No news is…………………………….impossible.
* A miss is as good as a………………….Mr.
* You can’t teach an old dog new…………..maths.
* Love all, trust………………………..me.
* The pen is mightier than the…………….pigs.
* An idle mind is…………………the best way to relax.
* Where there’s smoke there’s……………..pollution.
* Happy the bride who……………gets all the presents.
* A penny saved is……………………….not much.
* Two’s company, three’s…………………the Musketeers.
* Don’t put off till tomorrow what….you put on to go to bed.
* Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and……….you have to blow your nose.
* There are none so blind as………………Stevie Wonder.
* Children should be seen and not………….smacked or grounded.
* If at first you don’t succeed……………get new batteries.
* You get out of something only what you……see in the picture on the box.
* When the blind leadeth the blind……..get out of the way.
تکمیل ضرب المثل ها هم کار خودتان است، با کمی چک کردن دیکشنری می توانید ضرب المثل های اصلی را پیدا کنید.
چند جمله که معروف به Tongue twister هستند را برای شما برای این مطلب انتخاب کردم
این جملات برای تکرار کردن بسیار سخت هستند، یک امتحان کنید، برای چند دقیقه ای سرگرم خواهید شد با انگلیسی
Here are some funny and sometimes hard and challenging tongue twisters, give them a try
Sally sells seashells by the seashore.
The shells Sally sells surely won’t sail
But since Sally sells sea shells and not ship sails,
Surely she’ll sell all the shiny sea shells she’s soon shipping on sale.
Uma Mona Newman
There once was a woman
Named Uma Mona Newman
She nimbly made feminine M&Ms
She didn’t like a lot of ‘em
She only liked the minimum
She loved the mini-cinnamon
And the aluminum chrysanthemum.
So Uma Mona Newman
Nimbly made for the millennium
A minimum of feminine
Yummy mini-cinnamon
Chrysanthemum aluminum
If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk,
but the stump thunk the skunk stunk
These thousand tricky tongue twisters trip thrillingly off the tongue .
Betty Botter bought a bit of bitter butter!
A flea and a fly flew up in a flue.
Said the flea, “Let us fly!”
Said the fly, “Let us flee!”
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
Perspicacious Polly Perkins purchased Peter Piper’s pickled products And peddled pretty popular pickles to produce a pretty proper profit!
If you stick a stock of liquor in your locker,
It’s slick to stick a lock upon your stock,
Or some stickler who is slicker
Will stick you of your liquor
If you fail to lock your liquor
With a lock!
However, the shot Shott shot shot shot Nott not Shott.
Freshly-fried flying fish.
Greek grapes go great draped on crates of crushed dates.
There was a young fisher named Fischer
Who fished for a fish in a fissure.
The fish with a grin,
Pulled the fisherman in;
Now they’re fishing the fissure for Fischer.
The epitome of femininity
With double indemnity
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