باز هم با یک مطلب و یک دیالوگ دیگر در خدمت شما هستم
There’s a saying in English, “Necessity is the
mother of invention.” It means that when you have to come up with something, you
will. In the new movie Iron Man, a skilled engineer is kidnapped by terrorists.
They want him to build them weapons. Instead he builds a suit of powerful armor
that he uses to escape.
When he gets home, he keeps improving the suit. He uses it to become a superhero. Movies like this one that are based on comic books can sometimes be wild adventures and other times not so good. But Mason loved Iron Man so much, he wishes everyone would see it so that he could talk about it nonstop.
Mason: Marni, tell me if you’ve seen Iron Man yet because I can’t really stop talking about it.
Marni: I have not but I’m dying to see it!
Mason: Oh…
Marni: Do tell! No! Let’s talk about it!
Mason: So I have to give you the pitch rather than talk about it the way my heart yearns to.
Marni: Yes.
Mason: OK. So Robert Downey Jr. just hits it out of the park.
Marni: That’s so great! That’s so great wonderful for him.
Mason: It’s totally amazing. But that was kind of a no brainer for me. What kind of caught me by surprise was that Gwyneth Paltrow did a really good job with a kind of small role.
Marni: I had no idea she was even in it. Where has she been?
Mason: I think she’s been having her baby. Apple and Orange and Pear…
Marni: The fruit bowl children.
Mason: Right. So yeah, she kind of makes an appearance and does really well. What’s the guy who was in Hustle and Flow? Terrence...
Marni: Terrence Howard?
Mason: Terrence Howard’s in it.
Marni: Love him.
Mason: Really really good. So definitely excellent cast and Jon Favreau, right…
Marni: Really?
Mason: ...directed it. He really has no precedent for…
Marni: He did Elf, right?
Mason: He did Elf, which is funny, but Elf’s no huge action blockbuster, right? I don’t know who forked up the cash to him to think that he could do this…
Marni: But did he do a good job?
Mason: Does an amazing job, right?
Marni: There you go. Somebody had faith.
منبع: English baby
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So long I never realize I don't know the real
Meaning of family
Here Is The Answer ........... FAMILY
موفق باشید
سلام بسیار جالب بود هموطن به امید موفقیت شما ....
با مطلب جدید زیر به روزم
خوشحال میشم نظرتونو بدونم
One day a mother died.
And on that clear, cold morning,
in the warmth of her bedroom,
the daughter was struck with
the pain of learning that sometimes
there isn't any more.
موفق باشید
با سلام من در مورد زبان انگلیسی فعالیت میکنم میخواستم ببینم شما مایل به تبادل لینک هستید یا خیر.
Nice Post ! www