سطح: پیشرفته
Hi everybody
How is it going?
I had downloaded a very interesting audio file, which is actually the interview of Will Smith with Reader's Digest Magazine, then I thought it would be a good idea to put it here so that everybody can listen to it and enjoy.
Will smith is a successful western actor who has starred in many well known movies such as: Bad boys, Men in black, I Robot, Hitch, pursuit of happiness and ...
I like this interview very much because Will smith talks about different aspect of his life and about his success.
I like it a lot because I learnt a lot and I'm sure every one of you will enjoy listening to this interview.
the only problem is that the size of files is a little large and it takes a long time for the ones who use dial-up connections to download them, but it's worth it, believe me.
Click here to download will smith's interview (rm format) size: 57 mb
Click here to download will smith's interview (wma format) size: 75 mb
Other parts of web log will be activated soon, so be patient.
I need a co-writer for this web log, anybody who thinks is able to help me, contact me so that I send them the invitation.
Take care
now i'm down loading this interview I don't listen up now but there is a question for me what is the diffirence between [rm format[ and wma format
Tnx best luck
rm has less quality and size of a file in rm format is smaller